Booking Flights

Learn how to book the best cheap flights and learn more about flights, deals, airfares, and more.

Are Cheap Flights Real?

Are Cheap Flights Real? Find Out Now

International round-trip flights from $399*! – Is this real? Have you seen flight promotions advertising international flights, for example, to Italy or to the Philippines for an amazing price like...

How to Book Flights to Manila, the Philippines

How To Book Flights to Manila: The Ultimate Guide

How to book flights to Manila If you are wondering how to book flights to Manila, you’ve come to the right place! Our ASAP Tickets cheap travel blog is all...

Types of Airfares

Types of Airfares: A Beginner’s Guide

What is an airfare? Let’s start with something easy. What is an airfare? The airfare is the price that you pay to travel on an airplane. The fare may be...

Flights from New York to Addis Ababa with Ethiopian Airlines - ASAPtickets Travel Blog

How to Book Flights from New York to Addis Ababa

From July 3rd Ethiopian Airlines will start to operate direct flights from New York to Addis Ababa. It will be the only direct flight route from New York to Addis...

Unpublished Airfares - Cheap Flights - ASAP Tickets

Unpublished Airfares: The Little Known Secret for Cheap Flights

So everyone and their dog thinks they know a thing or two about finding the lowest airfares. But would you ask your dog how to build an airplane, or ask...

Cheap Flight Deals To Manila

Top 10 Mistakes to Avoid When Booking Cheap Flight Deals to Manila

While flight prices are unpredictable to an extent, there are some things you can do to try and snag the best deal! Do you want to get cheap flight deals...