Recently, we brought together some of the top-rated ASAP Tickets travel agents, and we asked them a few questions! Meet our first interviewee, Zander, who has been an ASAP Tickets Travel Agent since 2013.
How many customers have you had in one day?
“The maximum was about 15 customers a shift”
What’s the most interesting travel request you’ve had?
“I needed to fly three unaccompanied minors – children under 12 years old – from Monrovia, Liberia to San Francisco.
To explained it in detail, I booked them with an airline – Royal Air Maroc – from Monrovia to New York. And then I booked a ticket for one adult from San Francisco so that he arrives three hours prior to the kids’ arrival in New York, so he will meet them, stay overnight with them in New York, and fly back to SFO the next morning.”
What’s the most challenging situation you’ve had and how did you solve it?
“Um, let me think…
Ok, it’s really complicated, I had a lady customer. Who was pretty much about to get divorced, but hadn’t gotten divorced yet.
She already had a travel partner who was not her husband, and she was traveling with him to Europe. But she needed to book the tickets in a way that they would have separate reservations, but the fare rules of the airline didn’t allow them to make a single booking fare. The airline had requirements to book at least two passengers in a reservation.
So I had to call the airline and tell them that I’m their assistant and I have to have different reservations to get reimbursed from two separate companies.”
Do you have regular clients who only want to work with you?
“There are a bunch of them.
Why do they only want to work with special agents?
Because we know their special needs, requirements, airline preferences, and how much they are ready to spend, for example.
And based on that we can match the best possible itinerary or airlines/product in general. It’s easier for them to work with us, they’ve already been through that workflow. They can just email us and we email them back.
You know, we easily understand each other, that’s the main thing.”
What’s your most heartwarming customer story?
“One of my customer’s flights was canceled from Heathrow back to New York, and she had a funeral. Her flight was canceled and so she couldn’t travel, and all the available tickets through the airport would cost her some crazy money for economy one-way.
So, through our private contracts, I got her a ticket for as low as $1000 for economy, or something. She was so happy. She went there on time, so everything was perfect.”
What’s something most people don’t know about ASAP Tickets travel agents?
“What most people don’t know about travel agents?
Maybe they think that the travel agent’s point is just to sell as many tickets to them as they can, but in fact, travel agents are also humans – human beings that also have some goals inside them, not just to sell tickets, but to solve someone’s problems.
I think that’s the thing that they don’t know.
We’re not only here to sell tickets, but we’re also here to solve their problems. They tell us what their problem is and we try to solve it, if everything goes through, we are happy, if not, then we are kinda sad inside that it didn’t go through.”
Check out one of the videos below or here! Zander’s full video is coming soon!

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